
A Bibliography by Marilyn A. Hudson, MLIS (2011).

Evangelical Christian Witness (British Newspaper).
Brooks, Noel. " The Presence of God." Dec. 1934, pg. 187, 188.

Elim Evangel

The Pattern

Revival Messenger (British Newspaper), ca. 1951.
Brooks, Noel. "Jesus Christ The Baptiser (sic) with the Holy Spirit." no date,  pg. 5,7, . (Reverse article carries mention of a date of 1951),
Brooks, Noel. "Three Planes of Life in Christ." no date, pg. 6,7.

The Advocate (IPHC)

Major Works by Noel Brooks:

Fight for the Faith

Pardon, Purity and Power: The Threefold Ministry of the Holy Spirit (1959).

Scriptural Holiness (1967).

Sickness, Health, and God (n.d.)

Studies in Christian Doctrine (n.d.)

Out of a Horrible Pit: A family memoir (1976).

Let there be life (1975).

The Biblical Basics of missions (1976).

Ephesians outlined and unfolded (1984).

Fingertip Holiness (studies in practical holiness) (1988).

[Additional biographical information or corrections are welcome]


Books and Pamphlets:

Alcoholic Beverages in the Bible: A comprehensive survey of the main terms in the Hebrew and Septuagint Greek Old Testament, and in the Greek New Testament, for Alcoholic Beverages. [Bristol: Western Temperance League, n.d.; 2nd ed. Holmes College of the Bible, 1996].
Bible validation for sanctification. [Holmes Bible College, 1981].

Biblical basis for missions. [Advocate, 1976].

Charismatic ministries in the New Testament. [Holmes Memorial Church, 1988].

Church Reform or Personal Holiness? [Palm Branch Booklets, 9pg., ca. 1960]

Corner Stones of Christian Truth [ Radford, Nottingham, England, 20 pg., ca. 1960]

Ephesians: outlined and unfolded. [Advocate Press, 1984].

Fight for faith and freedom: George Jeffreys, revivalist and reformer. [The Pattern Bookroom, c1950-60]

Fingertip holiness. [Advocate Press, 1975]

Imitators of God [Palm Branch Booklets, Bristol, 12 pg., ca. 1960]

Let there be life. [Advocate Press, 1975]

Out of the horrible pit: a family memoir. [N. Brooks, 1971].

Pardon, purity, and pardon: The threefold ministry of the Holy Spirit. [Advocate Press, 1969].

Pardon, purity, and pardon: Progammed study guide [Advocate Press, 1970]

The place of faith in sickness and health. [n.d.; Bristol, England; 45 pg]

Scriptural holiness. [Advocate Press, 1967].

Sickness, health, and God. [Advocate Press, 1965].

Who prays lives: the art of private prayer. [Somerest, England: n.d.; 10 pgs.]

British Magazine articles:

Elim Evangel and Foursquare Revivalist, Periodical of the Elim Pentecostal Alliance,
Brooks, Noel. Did Jesus Rise? (1 Cor. Xv. 1-20)
Oct. 29, 1937, pg. 699
Brooks, Noel. Have You Received Pentecost? Jan.14, 1938 (Vol. XIX, No.2), pg. 17
Brooks, Noel. Love is Full of Trust. Nov. 17, 1939 (Vol. XX, No 46), pg. 721.
Brooks, Noel. The Christ, The Son of the Living God!, a recent sermon.  June 17th, 1940, pg. 395.

The Pattern, Periodical of the Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship, 1939 -

"Organ of the Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship,1, Kensington Park Road, Notting Hill Gate, London".    Most of the clippings are undated, any dates or locations are included:

Brooks Noel.—

Pentecost plus: Impressions of the Browness Conventions, pg. 8, 1948

Revival: Human strategy or act of God?

Blessed Hope of the coming of the Lord! (Nottingham), pg. 6-7)

We live on borrowed time, pg. 5, after 1946 – mentions Truman’s use of the A Bomb

The Sword of the Prince of Peace, (Nottingham, pg. 8)

Redemptive Humility, pg. 3, after 1950 – listed as “B.D.”

“Iron Sharpeneth Iron”: In Conference with the Scandinavians, pg. 10, 1949, with photo

The Organisation of a local church, Nottingham, pg. 6-7

Edwin Scrymgeour – A Man with God in his Blood (Nottingham, pg. 8 , 12

Life in the Spirit, in five parts

1 – Planes of Christian Experience

2 – Keys to the life in the Spirit

3 – The Plane of Justification

4 – The Plane of Sanctification

5 – Life on the plane of Power

6 – Life in the Spirit and “Natural”

7 – The God-indwellt community

8 – The Holy Spirit and Mission

Youth Link-up, column,

 Intro

 Has Christ Already come a second time?

 It is wrong to listen to the radio?

 Youth in Action’, Report from Nottingham Evangelical Free Church Youth Fellowship, Barnsley Bible-Pattern Church,etc.

 The Youth Fellowship at Glasgow City Temple

 Originality in Christian Service

 The Pastor in the Dock on the Tithing Question

The Cure for Unbelief

The price of world transformation (Bristol, pg. 8 on the reverse is the “Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship Formed, Resolution 1” which occurred at City Temple, Halifax Place, Nottingham)

The Pattern Saint, Elim Church, Terrell St. Bristol, 1940

The Truth about Divine Intervention (1941)

Is Britain Christian? A recent address

The local church – a God indwelt Community, Dundee Dec. 1941

The Root causes of our reverses, a recent sermon

How High is Your Threshold? (Dundee)

The Tragedy at Nottingham: A Christian Attitude to an UnChristian Action (1944)

The Question of Religious Phenomena

Flies in the Ointment

Jesus the savior

“…and the government shall be upon his shoulder, Dec. 1947, Nottingham

An Outline of the Events of Holy week

The grace of Christmastide, Nottingham

Cornerstones of Christian Truth, a series (3)



3) The Power and gifts of the Holy Spirit as a Present-Day Reality

The Local Church as a God-Indwelt Community, Having Absolute Control of its own Property and Finances and all its Spiritual and Temporal Affairs (Nottingham), 1944

The Church of England on the Horns of a Dilemma, pg. 5 (Author of Fight for the Faith and freedom, so after 1950)

The Bible View of Churchmanship, a multi-part series (Nottingham)

1) The church – local and universal

2) The authority of a God-indwelt community

3) Basic Scriptural principles

4) Basic Scriptural principles: New Testament conception of the Christian society as a Brotherhood


6) Ministry, Discipline, Reconciliation

7) The Perils of Centralisation (sic)

8) Religious Centralisation frustrates God’s purpose in the local churches (sic)

9) The danger of Independency, pt. 1

10) The dangers of indepenency, pt. 2

The Training and work of a Christian minister: An address given at the Annual Fellowship gathering of the Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship, 1947

The Earth did quake! , “B.D.” post 1950

The British Pentecostal Holiness Newsletter, 1954-___

“Cave Experiences”. The Christian (Nov. 18,1955): 10.

"Initial Evidence Under Fire: A Reply." The Flame: A bi-monthly for the spread of full salvation. (July/August 1985, 4:51):16-17.

“Music and Dancing: A Detail of the Prodigal’s Return.” N.d.: n.p.

“The Six Million Dollar Man”. The Proclaimer. (ca. 1975).

North American Magazine articles:

ADVOCATE (And other IPHC Publications)
Brooks, Noel –
Ploughing and planting in Britain. Advocate. September 22, 1955
From the Puritans to the Pentecostals. Advocate, October 1955
Church Reform or Personal Holiness. Advocate, January 11, 1956, pg. 6f
This of Antichrist. Advocate, July 9, 1956
The Glory of Suffering Service. Advocate July 21, 1956
Imitation of God. Advocate, March 23, 1957 pg. 4
Imitators of God. Advocate, March 30, 1957, pg.
Spiritual gifts and unsanctified people. Advocate, July 12, 1958
The Gifts of God in Sleep. Advocate. August 9, 1958, pg 4
Thou Shalt Not Mix! Advocate, July 16, 1960
The Spirit of God in Men. Advocate. September 3, 1960
Taking root Downward: A Review of the Work in Britain, Advocate, August 5, 1961, pg. 10
Faith – As fruit and as gift. Advocate. March 1962
The Idea of Perfection in the Holy Spirit. Advocate. Feb.9, 1963
Reflections on the Congo massacres. Advocate. Jan.9, 1965
Not Crumbs but a spirit-filled loaf. Advocate. July 9, 1966
The Sinfulness of Man. Advocate, Feb. 18, 1967
“These are my people!” Advocate. January 20, 1968 (Bristol)
Canadian Breakthrough Christian Bible College, Advocate, Aug. 14, 1971
First Year at Christianview Bible College. Advocate, May 6, 1972
Fifty years a Christian. Advocate. 1980
The Six Million Dollar Man. Advocate June 1980 (Reprinted from “The Proclamer”)
Edwin Irvin – Green Light or Red? Advocate, July 1985
Glimpses of glory in seasons of sorrow. Advocate, April 1986.
The Holy Spirit Diamond. Advocate, June 1987
When Deliverance is delayed. Advocate, February 1988
Giant Little John Wesley. Advocate, May 1988
Europe and the Middle East in Bible Prophecy. Advocate, July 1991.

No Date:
The Confession of a Total Abstainer. Advocate, ca. 1980’s
The Church and Politics in England. Advocate.
In Memorium: A British Charter Member Goes Home (Winifred A. Jones). Advocate.
Christians and the Law of God. Advocate

“Life Abundant in Argentina.” World-A-Rama (1977?): 4.

“The Tithe is the Lord’s.” unknown

Articles (Geographic Source Still to be Identified) :

“The A.B.C. of the Christian Life.” Bristol PHC paper.

“Coping with the Introspection Syndrone”[sic]. Truth in Love. N.d., Holmes Bible College, pg. 22f.

“The Idea of Perfection in the Holy Scriptures.” IPHC Advocate ( Feb.9, 1963): 12.

“Miracle Ministry with a Difference.” The Flame ( September-October 1996):14.

“Operation of Spiritual Gifts by Unsanctified People: A reply to Harold Horton by Noel Brooks (broadside?).

“Pentecost and Fanaticism.”

“The Presence of God.” The Evangelical Christian Witness. (December 1934):187.

“Reflections on the Congo Sufferings.” World Wide (World Wide Evangelism Crusade (May 1965):7.

Ibid. IPHC Advocate (Jan. 9, 1965): 6-7.

“Seventh World Pentecostal Conference: A Report.” IPHC Advocate (Sept. 5, 1964):3. Note includes carbon typed mss, copy of printed article and response in “Pentecost” A Quarterly Review of World-Wide Pentecostal Activity.” (Dec. 1964-to February 1965): 2. Edited by Donald Gee.

“Why Atheistic Communism is Doomed to Fail!” ibid.

‘What is Knocking the Greatness Out of Britain?” ibid.

“What is Pentecostal Holiness? Ibid.

Lecture Notes:


“The Church” [notebook]

“Ephesians” [notebook]

‘The Holy Spirit Diamond: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Sinners and Saints. [The Maynard James Memorial Lecture, 1993]

“The Holy Spirit & His Gifts” [notebook]

“Methods Of Bible Study” [undated & typed]

“Methods of Bible Study “ [notebook -2]

“The Manifestation of the Spirit”. [Silver Spring, MD: Mid-Atlantic and Eastern Virginia Bble Conference, 1973; Transcription, brochure].

“N.T. Greek” [notebook]

“Salvation” [notebook]

“Spiritual Gifts: A Fresh Evaluation” [c1994, Holmes Memorial Church/Founders Week]

“Various themes” [notebook]





Typed Manuscripts:

Brooks, Noel.

“The A-B-C of the Christian Life”

“The Birthplace of Jesus: Guest-room or Inn? Comments on a recent radio statement (1984).

“Charismatic Christianity”

“Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine by H. Wayne House, compared with the Doctrines of the Pentecostal Holiness Church as analized [sic] by Noel Brooks.”

“Church History: The Growth of the Roman Catholic Church.”

‘Church History: The Reformation in Europe.”

“Comments on Dr.Vinson Synan’s Article on Pentecostal Worship “(in Witness, May 1984).

“Demonization – How Real?”

“The Doctrine of Predestination”

“Facts About the British Conference of the Pentecostal Holiness Church.”

“The First Fifty Days” The Regeneration, Sanctification, and Empowering of Christ’s First Disciples.”

“The Gifts of the Spirit from the Wesleyan Perspective.”

“How to Grow the Fruit of the Spirit”

“The Meaning of Matthew 16:18”

“The Ministry of Women in the Church.”

“Pentecost and Fanaticism.”

‘The Potential of Pentecost.”

“Power from on High”

“The Prosperity Gospel: An Evaluation of a recent sermon on a video tape by an American preacher.”

“Quotes from My Bible Fly-Leaves”. [n.d.] Author’s note reveals issues of books, reading, literacy, and influences of the author.

“Self, One’s Self”.

“Some Wiles of the Devil”

“The Spirit of God.”

“Thou Shalt Not Mix!”


Brooks, Noel. Lord, Make My Life. [n.d.]

Brooks, Noel & Eric Insall. Wonderful, Wonderful Day! [n.d.]

Brooks, Noel, & Beethoven. Praise to You. [n.d.] Tune: Come, Thy Fount..

Insall, Eric & Noel Brooks. Wonderful Lamb of God. 1971.

Ibid. His Name is Jesus


Contra Bryon. 1997

The Emmaus Road.

How Long? 1936

Lord Make My Life.

Sovereign Love. 1938

A Sweet Savour of Christ. Elim Evangel. 1938

To My Friend. 1938

When There’s Love at Home. 1938

Winter is Past. 1938

History of the British Church

Facts about the British Conference of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. N.d.

Eric’s 90th Birthday, 23 August 1995 [Eric Insall].

Delivered on the Occasion of Eric’s funeral, 25 January 1997.

Mr. Hutchings (Senior). [Eric Hutchings, Evangelist]

Canadian Break-Through Christianview Bible College.

A British Charter Member Goes Home [Winifred A. Jones]


Evangelical Evening Classes for the Lay Preachers and Sunday School Teachers. 1960, Bristol.

The British Bible College of the Pentecostal Holiness Church: Prospectus. (With enrollment form).

The British News-Letter of the Pentecostal Holiness Church.” 1955-1958.


Advocate Bible School

Book A.

Volume 1. Through the Bible., Book by Book [three ring binder; typed and/or handwritten]

Volume 2. Christian doctrine.

Book B.

Volume 3. Families of the Bible

Volume 4. The Sermon on the Mount

Volume 5. The Christian Doctrine of Salvation.

Book C

Volume 6: Ephesians

Volume 7: The Prayer Life of Bible Characters

Topical Bible Studies

Book D

Volume 1. Bible Survey [Sept. 3, 1978- ]

Volume 2. Bible Survey [ - Feb 25, 1979]

Book E

Volume 3. Biblical Doctrines [March 4, 1969 - ]

Volume 4. Biblical Themes [ - Nov. 25, 1984]

Book F

Volume 5. The Holy Spirit [ June 1, 1983 - ]

Volume 6. The Christian Family [ - July23, 1989]

Book G

Volume 7: Moral Issues & Social problems [ June 1, 1986 - ]

Volume 8: Living in the Modern World [ - Aug. 28, 1988]

Expository Helps For Bible Class Leaders

Book H – New Testament

Volume 1.

Volume 2.

Volume 3.

Volume 4.

Volume 5.

Volume 6.

Volume 8.

Expository Helps for Bible Class Leaders

Book G

Volume 1.

Volume 2.

Volume 3.

Volume 4.

Volume 5.

Studies in Genesis [delivered at Christianview College, Toronto, handwritten notes, 149 pgs.]

Studies in the Acts of the Apostles, [ibid, 181 pgs.]

Ethics of the Kingdom, Sermon on the Mount, Advocate

Notes on Colossians – [looseleaf; file; 75 pgs.]

What Does it Mean to be Saved? [Advocate pages]
Holiness Through the Fingertips [ ]
Ephesians [ ]
Prayer Life [ ]
Principles of Christian Service [ British Bible College, Bristol; 3 ring notebook]

Compiled, Marilyn A. Hudson, MLIS, SCU Library and Information Center, Noel Brooks Collection, 2007

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Blogs By Marilyn A. Hudson